Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Welcome to Ms. Ballard's blog!  If you can't find what you are looking for here, try canvas!

We are VERY busy in IB English!  We often don't have time to talk about everything we'd like to talk about.  In addition, reflecting IN WRITING on key ideas and passages and themes is an integral part of our work this semester.  Enter: THE BLOG!!  Our class blog serves several purposes:

1) Blogging requires you to reflect on key ideas we don't necessarily have time to reflect upon in class.
2) Blogging allows you to practice writing about literature in a low-stakes environment.
3) Blogging and reading your classmate's blogs causes you to think about your ideas and be able to talk about them in more depth (than if you'd just written in a spiral notebook!).
4) Blogging makes your writing more "real" in the sense that you aren't writing in a vacuum, but you are writing for the purpose of being read.

Rest assured: Blogging is not busy work, but an integral part of your study in IB English.  Please do not neglect this key feature of our course and our work.